The Carlo Aonzo Mandolin Workshop Accademia>>
Since 2001, Carlo Aonzo has come to New York City every year to
spread his vision of Italian style mandolin. With grace, charm,
and patience, he teaches and illustrates his style and technique.
Attendees at his workshops learn in a warm and supportive, but challenging
Photo by Lynn Padwe |
Music is distributed months in advance so students can prepare
the material. Then, at the workshop, Carlo teaches finer points
of nuance, style, dynamics, and ensemble playing.
The workshop runs for three full days On the first day, Carlo teaches
a class on Technique and Exercises. The rest of the workshop is
devoted to Manodlin Orchestra. Music played at the workshop includes
works from all the major periods of mandolin music. We also play
repertoire for bowed instruments as well as contemporary compositions
for mandolin. Attendees of past workshops have enjoyed playing music
by Bach, Barbella, Bottacchiari, Calace, Denis, Falbo, Gervasio,
Giuliani, Kioulaphides, Mozart, Munier, Principe, Romaldi, Telemann,
and of course Vivaldi.
Attendees have unanimously praised Carlo and the workshop (see
some comments at right and below).
The workshop is intended for intermediate and advanced mandolinists.
Beginners may be accepted but should inquire as to suitablility
before registering.
We hope you will join us in New York for the next workshop.
The 2012 Workshop
The 2012 workshop will be held the weekend of March 29th - April 1st in Manhattan.
Advance reservations are required. For more information, please
email Chaim
Latest Attendees' Comments
Comments in the Press:
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